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Spray Painting

Spray painting is a relatively new approach for decorating interiors in the UK. First made popular in the USA, there is now growing recognition in this country of the benefits that it can bring. More and more home owners and business owners are choosing spray painting for their interior decoration.



How it works

Rather than using the traditional methods of a paintbrush or roller, spray painting involves using a powered spray gun to spray paint across the walls and other interior services of a property. By spraying paint, the paint itself is distributed in an even and uniform way across the surfaces. At Spray Paint Sussex we use the latest technology in spraying machinery, to ensure the best quality finish and ensuring that large areas are covered in the quickest possible time.

Why should I choose spray painting?

Spray painting brings many benefits that could make it the right choice for you. These include the following:

It’s quicker

Spray painting the interior of your home or commercial premises can be much quicker than traditional decorating methods. This is because the spray gun can cover large areas in much less time than a brush or roller. Spraying the paint on also means it dries more quickly and with less odour, leading to far less disruption in your home or downtime for your business.

It’s more cost-effective

While the costs of the core materials are the same as with traditional decorating, spray painting can be more cost-effective because it is quicker.

A room will be much quicker to paint using spray paint methods, meaning you’ll pay for less of your decorator’s time than if they used a brush or a roller. So, if you’ve got a budget to keep to, spray painting can be a fantastic choice.

It delivers a better finish

A huge benefit of spray painting is that the paint is distributed evenly through the spray, giving a much smoother and more uniform finish that is consistent across a large area. So not only does your decorating finish more quickly and at a lower price, but the final results are superb to look at and don’t have any of those annoying drips or brush marks you can find with traditional decorating.

This level of quality is just one of the reasons why spray painting has become such a popular choice with many home owners and business managers across the UK.